1. Content Source
All content displayed on the website yt.video is provided through Youtube API v3, in compliance with Youtube's terms and policies. We do not own, store, or control any of the content. All videos are streamed directly from Youtube's official servers via embed tools.
2. Relationship with Youtube and Google
The website yt.video is not affiliated with, represented by, or managed by Google Inc. or Youtube LLC. Youtube is a registered trademark of Youtube LLC, a subsidiary of Google.
3. Feature Limitations
The website yt.video does not support or provide any functionality to download videos from Youtube, strictly adhering to Youtube API policies. Users can only view content via the official embedded video player provided by Youtube.
4. Content Display Rights
If the content owner does not want their videos to be displayed on yt.video or any platform outside of Youtube, they can use Youtube's dashboard to adjust visibility settings, including disabling the embedding feature.
5. Content Ownership
All intellectual property rights related to the content (including videos, audio, images, and other materials) belong to their respective legal owners. The website yt.video does not claim ownership of any content displayed.
6. Liability Limitation
The website yt.video is not legally responsible for any unauthorized use or copyright violations committed by users when accessing or using the content displayed on this website. Users are responsible for complying with Youtube's Terms of Service and applicable legal regulations.
7. Compliance with Youtube API Policies
The website yt.video strictly adheres to Youtube API v3's terms and policies, including but not limited to:
Not storing or altering video content.
Not providing features that infringe copyrights.
Not collecting or using user data unlawfully.
Users can refer to the official policies through the following links:
Youtube API Terms of Service: https://developers.google.com/youtube/terms/api-services-terms-of-service
Youtube Terms of Service: https://www.youtube.com/t/terms
Important Notes
If you are a content owner and do not want your videos to appear on yt.video or other external platforms, please refer to Youtube’s official documentation to adjust privacy and embedding permissions.
All content displayed on yt.video is streamed directly from Youtube. We do not modify or interfere with any video content.